What, now you want specific names of black vandals, assholes and criminals? Bill Cosby makes reference to the trend, and I agree. Bury your head in the sand, the black destructive criminal trend remains unaddressed because people like you make it an untouchable racial issue.
I apologize for not being clear. I obviously have the problem of NOT adressing your points directly. I do not ask you to name anyone. You are really missing the point on this.
You say that the majority (that means 20 million people or more) have an attititude problem. I ask you to validate this (that means to offer proof other than your personal biased opinion). Is this from watching MTV?
If you read my post and understand them, you will clearly see that I agree with William H. (Bill Cosby). Your point above is......................
I am a 3rd generation Republican and I do not ignore any problems in the Black community. I volunteer many hours in poor neighborhoods. Again, read the post and respond accordingly.
Did you notice I respond to your items individually. It should be clear to understand and respond to my points. You and Silver Surfer have missed the boat several times. Most JW's have very good debating techniques. They comment in the meetings and can make an intelligent response to a question. Going off on unrelated tangents is not a characteristic of the typical once baptized JW.
Just an observation, no disrespect is intended.